Prenatal Yoga

Austin Yoga Lounge is committed to serving the unique pregnancy needs in the Austin area! We provide yoga instruction to help with the aches and pains of pregnancy. We act as a resource and guide for prenatal health through our knowledgeable yoga teachers and prenatal community. Our classes are not heated.

Prenatal yoga is a type of yoga specifically designed for pregnant students. It helps to prepare the body for childbirth by focusing on relaxation and gentle stretching. Classes emphasize breathing exercises that will relax your mind and give you tools to use during labor and delivery. Prenatal yoga can also help to improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase the strength, flexibility, and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth.

Prenatal yoga classes consist of a sequence of poses aimed at helping students find more strength and flexibility, practice focusing the mind and breath in preparation for labor, and aid in relieving common pains caused by pregnancy. If you are new to yoga, it is recommended to begin prenatal classes no sooner than the beginning of your second trimester.

Always consult your doctor or midwife before beginning classes.

If you have more questions about our offerings, check out our FAQ.

We respectfully ask that only pregnant students attend prenatal classes.

Interested in private 1:1’s? We offer tailored classes unique to your body and your pregnancy in a private setting. Contact us to learn more!